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/ Meeting Pearls 4 / Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso / Index / Path_Short < prev    next >
Text File  |  1996-10-22  |  51KB  |  615 lines

  1. Pathname                                          Short
  3. Contrib                                            Basic software packages of this CD-ROM
  4. Contrib/Admins                                     Guides about the admins of this CD-ROM
  5. Contrib/Cover                                      Cover pictures of Meeting Pearls
  6. Contrib/Cover/All_Suggestions/eau                  Cover pictures of Meeting Pearls
  7. Contrib/Cover/All_Suggestions/Kochtopf             Cover pictures of Meeting Pearls
  8. Contrib/DefaultIcons                               Standard Icons for Meeting Pearls
  9. Contrib/FindPearls                                 Search tool for Meeting Pearls
  10. Contrib/Krapp-MP-Tools                             Tool for Meeting Pearls Admins
  11. Contrib/MetaTool                                   Configurable Workbench tool
  12. Contrib/MetaToolPrefs                              Preferences program for Meeting Pearls
  13. Contrib/MPHelper                                   Tools for MP-Admins
  14. Contrib/Nessy-MP-Tools                             Tools for Meeting Pearls Admins
  15. Contrib/Patricia                                   Creates database for fast search in many texts+guides
  16. Meeting                                            Pictures of the Amiga Meeting Ulm 96
  17. Meeting/jow                                        Jürgen Weinelts Isel3 pictures
  18. Meeting/sfx                                        Lars Eilebrechts Isel3 pictures
  19. Meeting/toms                                       Thomas 'TomS' Schäfers Isel3 pictures
  20. Pearls/arc                                         achiver programs, packer, cruncher
  21. Pearls/arc/Archiver                                various file-archiver
  22. Pearls/arc/Archiver/LHA                            file archiver
  23. Pearls/arc/Archiver/LZX                            file archiver
  24. Pearls/arc/Archiver/Zip                            file archiver
  25. Pearls/arc/Disk-Archiver                           various disk-archiver
  26. Pearls/arc/Disk-Archiver/MDC                       disk archiver
  27. Pearls/arc/Misc                                    various help-tools
  28. Pearls/arc/Misc/All2Lha                            Converts various archives into lha-archives
  29. Pearls/arc/Misc/ARCHandler                         Packing filesystem
  30. Pearls/arc/Misc/BlitzDMS                           Decrunch DMS-Files
  31. Pearls/arc/Misc/CompressDisk                       Device-driver that kompress data
  32. Pearls/arc/Misc/CutLhA                             removes "*"-files from Lha-archives
  33. Pearls/arc/Misc/deaf                               Scans archives and make SHORT-Description as filenote
  34. Pearls/arc/Misc/DeepX                              Crunch/decrunch saved/loaded files
  35. Pearls/arc/Misc/Extractor                          Decrunch verious archives
  36. Pearls/arc/Misc/GSMToast                           Compress samples
  37. Pearls/arc/Misc/IceArc                             Multiformat file extraction system
  38. Pearls/arc/Misc/LhA-GUI                            Frontend for LhA and Lzx
  39. Pearls/arc/Misc/LZX_Repack                         Repack archives into lzx-format
  40. Pearls/arc/Misc/Shorten-1.22                       Compressor for sampled waveform
  41. Pearls/arc/Misc/ShortQt_v1.3                       Frontend for DMS
  42. Pearls/arc/Misc/X-Traktor                          Frontend for Lha, Lzx, etc.
  43. Pearls/arc/Packer                                  various program-cruncher
  44. Pearls/arc/Packer/xPackIt                          Frontend for the XPK libraries
  45. Pearls/arc/UnPack                                  various unpacker
  46. Pearls/arc/UnPack/UNPacker_v2.0                    frontend for file archiver
  47. Pearls/arc/UnPack/xfd                              library that can uncrunch many formats
  48. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder                                various uuencoder and uudecoder
  49. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/AmySTP                         Convert binary into ASCII
  50. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/BCode                          encoder/decoder for bin to ascii
  51. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/FSCode                         UUdecoder/UUencoder
  52. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/MUGcut                         UUencoder/UUdecoder
  53. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/Scrambler                      UUencoder/UUdecoder
  54. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/S_Encode26                     UUencoder/UUdecoder
  55. Pearls/arc/UU-Coder/vec3231                        UUencoder/UUdecoder
  56. Pearls/arc/XPK                                     verious tools and additional xpk-libraries
  57. Pearls/arc/XPK/OptimizeXPK                         Test, which xpk-sublibrary is best
  58. Pearls/arc/XPK/PackX                               Crunch and decrunch files with XPK
  59. Pearls/arc/XPK/xPack                               Frontend for XPK
  60. Pearls/arc/XPK/XpkArchivePackage                   Frontend for XPK
  61. Pearls/arc/XPK/XPKatana                            Frontend for XPK
  62. Pearls/arc/XPK/XPKCut                              Skip big XPK-Files into smaller XPK-Files
  63. Pearls/arc/XPK/xStat                               Statistic about XPK packed files in an direcory
  64. Pearls/cdrom                                       Tools for your CD-ROM drive
  65. Pearls/cdrom/AmiCDFS2                              CD ROM file system
  66. Pearls/cdrom/AudibleIllusion                       Audio CD Player + ID file editor
  67. Pearls/cdrom/cdda                                  CDDA Player
  68. Pearls/cdrom/cddaGUI                               CDDA Player GUI
  69. Pearls/cdrom/cdda_3.0_op5                          Use YACDP as CDDA for DirOpus5
  70. Pearls/cdrom/CDIDCollection                        CDDA ID collection
  71. Pearls/cdrom/CDPStarter                            CD Audio Player starter
  72. Pearls/cdrom/cd_mm_opus5                           CD Multimedia for DirOpus5
  73. Pearls/cdrom/CeeD                                  Audio CD Player
  74. Pearls/cdrom/CompactPlayer                         Audio CD Player
  75. Pearls/cdrom/JukeBox                               Audio CD Player
  76. Pearls/cdrom/JukeBox-Extensions                    JukeBox extensions
  77. Pearls/cdrom/MakeCD                                Create ISO+RockRidge CDs and Music CDs
  78. Pearls/cdrom/OptyCDPlayer                          Audio CD Player
  79. Pearls/cdrom/SCDPlayer                             Audio CD Player
  80. Pearls/cdrom/YACDP                                 Audio CD Player, CDDA Player
  81. Pearls/comm                                        communication and networking tools
  82. Pearls/comm/Fido                                   Fido-Programs and Tools
  83. Pearls/comm/Fido/MailManager                       MailManager
  84. Pearls/comm/Fido/MailManager/MM-000                Fidonet-Tosser/Editor 68000er-Version
  85. Pearls/comm/Fido/MailManager/MM-030                Fidonet-Tosser/Editor 68020er-Version
  86. Pearls/comm/Fido/MailManager/MM-GermanGuide        GermanGuide for MailManager
  87. Pearls/comm/Fido/MailManager/MM-Rexx               Many useful ARexx utilities for MM 1.2
  88. Pearls/comm/Fido/Spot                              FidoNet tosser/editor
  89. Pearls/comm/Fido/TrapDoor                          FidoNet compatible front mailer 
  90. Pearls/comm/Fido/TrapPrefs                         Preference editor for TrapDoor 
  91. Pearls/comm/Internet                               Internet-Programs and Tools
  92. Pearls/comm/Internet/AmFTP                         The greatest MUI-FTP-Client
  93. Pearls/comm/Internet/AmiFTP                        a powerfull FTP-Client
  94. Pearls/comm/Internet/AmIRC                         A Great IRC client
  95. Pearls/comm/Internet/AWeb                          WWW-Browser
  96. Pearls/comm/Internet/IBrowseDemo                   a great WWW-Browser
  97. Pearls/comm/Internet/Miami                         great integrated TCP/IP-Stack, very easy to use 
  98. Pearls/comm/Internet/PPP-Device                    The Best PPP-Device
  99. Pearls/comm/Internet/TCP-IP-Master                 a nice Icon-Dock-Manager for the TCP/IP-Programs
  100. Pearls/comm/Internet/Voyager                       A Great WWW-Browser
  101. Pearls/comm/Internet/Voyager-Tools                 Tools for Voyager
  102. Pearls/comm/Internet/Voyager-Tools/HL2Voyager      Arexx script for converting hotlist entries to Voyager format
  103. Pearls/comm/Internet/Voyager-Tools/V-Catalogs      misc catalogs for Voyager
  104. Pearls/comm/Internet/Voyager-Tools/VmailTo         Mailto script for Voyager and Sendmail
  105. Pearls/comm/Internet/YAM                           a great Mailer/POP/SMTP-Client
  106. Pearls/comm/Internet/YAM-Tools                     Tools for YAM
  107. Pearls/comm/Internet/YAM-Tools/YAMcat              New catalogs and icons for YAM
  108. Pearls/comm/Internet/YAM-Tools/YaMGate             Send and receive Fidonet type mail with YAM
  109. Pearls/comm/Misc                                   Misc Tools for Communications
  110. Pearls/comm/Misc/AmIstec                           Configuration-Program for the Istec 1003 and 1008
  111. Pearls/comm/Misc/BBS-Lists                         BBS-Lists (German only yet)
  112. Pearls/comm/Misc/CareTime                          tell you for how long you are connected+Log
  113. Pearls/comm/Misc/Gebühren96                        Phone cost calculator for German Telekom network
  114. Pearls/comm/Misc/Gebührenmanager                   Telecom-Cost-Watcher
  115. Pearls/comm/Misc/ModemUtility                      Log file analyzer and more
  116. Pearls/comm/Misc/MultiFax-Demo                     A great FAX-Program
  117. Pearls/comm/Misc/MultiTerm_light                   A great Program for German-BTX
  118. Pearls/comm/Misc/OwnDevUnit                        Update to OwnDevUnit.library
  119. Pearls/comm/Misc/SModem                            a new generation file transfer protocol
  120. Pearls/comm/Misc/TimeConnect                       Cost watcher
  121. Pearls/comm/Misc/TKRIstec                          Configuration-Program for the Istec
  122. Pearls/comm/Misc/XPRZModem                         xprzModem and xprzedzap Protocols
  123. Pearls/comm/Network                                Networking-Programs and Tools
  124. Pearls/comm/Network/MagicParNET                    Networking-Program for the Parallelport
  125. Pearls/comm/Network/Nullmodem                      initates two modems and a phone line on the Amiga
  126. Pearls/comm/Network/ProNET                         a great ParNet replace
  127. Pearls/comm/Point                                  Point-Programs and Tools
  128. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot                         MicroDot the greatest German-Pointgram there ever is :-)
  129. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools                   Tools for MicroDot
  130. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools/AmiReq            requsted Files from the Aminet via MicroDot
  131. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools/FileServerMF      FileServer for MicroDot
  132. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools/MailFilter        filtering the ZConnect-Puffer, delete XPostings, great ARexx-Port
  133. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools/MessageBeep       beeps when a selcted Message is detected
  134. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot-Tools/Misc              misc Tools for MicroDot
  135. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot/MicroDot_1_10           the greatest German-Pointprogram
  136. Pearls/comm/Point/MicroDot/MicroDot_1_11beta30     the newest beta Release
  137. Pearls/comm/Point/TheAnswer                        another great German-Pointprogram
  138. Pearls/comm/Point/ZPoint                           great Pointprogram with Locale
  139. Pearls/comm/TCP                                    Terminal-Programs and Tools
  140. Pearls/comm/Terminal                               Terminal-Programs and Tools
  141. Pearls/comm/Terminal/DreamTerm                     Terminal-Program with MUI
  142. Pearls/comm/Terminal/Term                          powerfull Terminal-Program
  143. Pearls/comm/Terminal/Term-Update                   Update for Term4.6 -> Term4.6a
  144. Pearls/comm/UMS                                    UMS and -Tools
  145. Pearls/comm/Updates                                last minutes updates
  146. Pearls/dev                                         Development stuff
  147. Pearls/dev/ASM                                     Assemblers and disassemblers
  148. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src                                 Sourcecode for assembler programmers
  149. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src/Chunky2Planar                   Various chunky-to-planar conversion sources
  150. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src/LibraryFrame                    Empty library framework, easy to fill
  151. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src/NewStartup                      Macros for easy creation of startup code
  152. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src/ProgressBar                     Macro for building a progress bar
  153. Pearls/dev/ASM-Src/RemovePatch                     Safely remove patches and free memory
  154. Pearls/dev/ASM/ADis                                Disassembler
  155. Pearls/dev/ASM/D68k                                Disassembler with trace option
  156. Pearls/dev/ASM/PhxAss                              Highly optimizing macro assembler
  157. Pearls/dev/ASM/PhxLnk                              AmigaDOS module linker
  158. Pearls/dev/ASM/SNMA                                Macro assembler with AREXX port
  159. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI                                  Tools for graphical user interfaces
  160. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/AppIconClass                     BOOPSI class for Application Icons
  161. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/DragClass                        BOOPSI class for drag'n'drop objects
  162. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/FontReqClass                     BOOPSI class for font requesters
  163. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/PopUpMenuClass                   BOOPSI class for Popup menus
  164. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/ScreenModeClass                  BOOPSI class for screenmode requesters
  165. Pearls/dev/BOOPSI/TextFieldClass                   BOOPSI class for editing text
  166. Pearls/dev/C                                       Compilers for C
  167. Pearls/dev/C-Lib                                   Link libraries for C programmers
  168. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/APurify                           Detects illegal memory accesses without MMU
  169. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/AsyncIO                           Link-/shared library for asynchronous IO
  170. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/EasyLibs                          Tools to simplify shared library creation
  171. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/ExtRdArgs                         A transparent CLI/WB ReadArgs() interface
  172. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/GadTools34                        GadTools.library for OS1.3
  173. Pearls/dev/C-Lib/rtLibrary                         Resource tracking to make cleanup easier
  174. Pearls/dev/C-Src                                   Sourcecode for C programmers
  175. Pearls/dev/C-Src/DoubleBuffer                      How to use OS3.0+ double buffering
  176. Pearls/dev/C-Src/HexDump                           Gives hexadecimal output of a file
  177. Pearls/dev/C-Src/LayerHook                         Backfill hook with datatype images
  178. Pearls/dev/C-Src/PicPak                            Picture loading and manipulation routines
  179. Pearls/dev/C-Src/ScrollerWindow                    Adaptive Layout with scrollbars
  180. Pearls/dev/C-Src/SystemIdle                        Calculates system usage
  181. Pearls/dev/C-Src/WBpath                            Clone the Workbench process's command path
  182. Pearls/dev/C/C-Interpreter                         Interpreter for C
  183. Pearls/dev/C/C2Local                               Automatic localization for C/C++ sourcecodes
  184. Pearls/dev/C/FreeDice                              C compiler without floating point support
  185. Pearls/dev/C/StormC-Demo                           Demo version of a C/C++ compiler
  186. Pearls/dev/C/VBCC                                  ANSI C compiler (beta version)
  187. Pearls/dev/Debug                                   Utilities for searching for bugs in programs
  188. Pearls/dev/Debug/CloseEm                           Closes leftover windows, libraries etc.
  189. Pearls/dev/Debug/Enforcer                          Displays many illegal memory accesses
  190. Pearls/dev/Debug/Flush                             Removes unused libraries, devices and fonts
  191. Pearls/dev/Debug/MemoryX                           Displays contents of memory
  192. Pearls/dev/Debug/Mon                               Debugger and machine language monitor
  193. Pearls/dev/Debug/MungWall                          Checks memory accesses and FreeMem() calls
  194. Pearls/dev/Debug/PoolWatch                         Like MungWall, but for memory pools
  195. Pearls/dev/Debug/SmartCrash                        Replaces standard crash requester
  196. Pearls/dev/Debug/Sushi                             Catches raw serial output and displays it
  197. Pearls/dev/Debug/TheGuru                           Gives more information about alert numbers
  198. Pearls/dev/Doc                                     Documentation for programmers
  199. Pearls/dev/Doc/AFD-Files                           Standard Copyright Note in different languages.
  200. Pearls/dev/Doc/AGAmanual                           Description of AGA hardware registers
  201. Pearls/dev/Doc/ASP68k                              Assembler optimizations
  202. Pearls/dev/Doc/C-QuickRef                          Quick reference guide for C
  203. Pearls/dev/Doc/DevInfo                             Information for developers
  204. Pearls/dev/Doc/DosPackets                          Documentation of DOS Packets
  205. Pearls/dev/Doc/FPU+68020                           How to program FPU and 68020+
  206. Pearls/dev/Doc/MC680x0                             How to program 680x0 CPUs
  207. Pearls/dev/Doc/Structures                          Quick reference to ASM structures and includes
  208. Pearls/dev/Language                                Varoius programming languages
  209. Pearls/dev/Language/ACE                            Basic compiler
  210. Pearls/dev/Language/AmigaE                         Amiga E programming language
  211. Pearls/dev/Language/CLisp                          Common LISP programming language
  212. Pearls/dev/Language/EZasm                          Combination of assembly and C language
  213. Pearls/dev/Misc                                    Miscellaneous development tools
  214. Pearls/dev/Misc/AProf                              Profiler for code optimization
  215. Pearls/dev/Misc/LibSearcher                        Fast library function searcher
  216. Pearls/dev/Misc/MyStrip                            Strips off debug hunks of GCC executables
  217. Pearls/dev/Misc/Palis                              Makes patching libraries safer
  218. Pearls/dev/Misc/Robodoc                            Produces Autodocs in Amigaguide, HTML and other formats
  219. Pearls/dev/Misc/SimpleCat                          Easy creation of locale's catalogs
  220. Pearls/dev/Monitor                                 For watching system resources/activities
  221. Pearls/dev/Monitor/ASP                             System monitor
  222. Pearls/dev/Monitor/GSM                             CPU and memory load monitor
  223. Pearls/dev/Monitor/Kiskometer                      Monitors patching of library functions
  224. Pearls/dev/Monitor/PriMan                          Allows changing the priority of tasks by using a GUI
  225. Pearls/dev/Monitor/Scout                           System monitor
  226. Pearls/dev/Monitor/SnoopDos                        Shows calls to dos.library
  227. Pearls/dev/Monitor/SnoopLibs                       Displays function calls of any library
  228. Pearls/dev/Monitor/Snoopy                          Shows System Calls
  229. Pearls/dev/Monitor/StackMon                        Monitors amount of used stack
  230. Pearls/dev/Oberon                                  Oberon programming language and system
  231. Pearls/dev/Oberon/OberonV4                         Oberon System V4 Operating System and Compiler
  232. Pearls/disk                                        Tools for disks, SCSI, etc.
  233. Pearls/disk/AFS                                    Tools for AFS-Partitions
  234. Pearls/disk/AFS/afsdefragtry                       tries to defragment afs partitions
  235. Pearls/disk/AFS/AFSFileDefrag                      defragment files on an AFS-partition
  236. Pearls/disk/AFS/MUI-AFS-Undelete                   undelete files on an AFS-partition
  237. Pearls/disk/AFS/RolloverTools                      Make AFS-Rollover File
  238. Pearls/disk/AFS/Undelete-AFS                       undelete files on AFS-partition
  239. Pearls/disk/Backup                                 Backup tools, tape-handler
  240. Pearls/disk/Backup/ABackup                         HD backup utility
  241. Pearls/disk/Backup/Backman                         Backup program with or without user interface
  242. Pearls/disk/Backup/DailyBackup                     Make daily backups automatically
  243. Pearls/disk/Backup/DiavoloDemo                     Demo of Diavolo Backup 3.0
  244. Pearls/disk/Backup/MRBackup                        Backup program with GUI
  245. Pearls/disk/Backup/PcRestore                       Restore MS-DOS backups
  246. Pearls/disk/Cache                                  Cache programs - speedup your disks etc.
  247. Pearls/disk/Cache/FastCache                        hard drive cache
  248. Pearls/disk/Cache/smartcache                       floppy cache program
  249. Pearls/disk/Copy+Format                            Programs to copy and format disks
  250. Pearls/disk/Copy+Format/CleanDisk                  clear free blocks on harddrive
  251. Pearls/disk/Copy+Format/Copy-C                     disk tool, copy, format, optimize, etc.
  252. Pearls/disk/Copy+Format/SC                         copy disks
  253. Pearls/disk/Copy+Format/SuperDuper                 disk copier/formatter
  254. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler                           miscellaneous devices, handlers and filesystems
  255. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/AFSDEMO                   Fast and save replacement for AmigaFileSystem
  256. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/BTNTape                   SCSI tape drive handler for use with tar
  257. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/CrossMAC_Demo             read (and write) mac-disks
  258. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/DevHandler                Console, AUX and Raw Disk Handler
  259. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/Device-Handler            Device-Handler useful for tar
  260. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/device_handler            Raw device-handler
  261. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/Flat-Handler              Make drives to logical files
  262. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/MountDos                  MS-Dos partition-table lister and Cross-Dos mounter
  263. Pearls/disk/Devs+Handler/MountInfo                 Shows Mountlists for auto-mounted devs
  264. Pearls/disk/File+DiskMon                           disk and file editor programs
  265. Pearls/disk/File+DiskMon/DFM                       filedisplayer like ZAP
  266. Pearls/disk/File+DiskMon/DisKey_3.0_Preview_3      Maybe the best disk editor for the Amiga
  267. Pearls/disk/File+DiskMon/DiskMonTools              file/disk/mfm-editor, repair/salvage/optimize
  268. Pearls/disk/File+DiskMon/HD_examine                HD examination and change utility
  269. Pearls/disk/Floppy                                 Programs for floppy disks
  270. Pearls/disk/Floppy/DevBlocks                       Read/Write images from/to any disk
  271. Pearls/disk/Floppy/Fitter                          copy files from hd to disk, etc.
  272. Pearls/disk/Floppy/floppy.device                   An improvement over the trackdisk.device
  273. Pearls/disk/Floppy/Floppy_fix                      solv a problem with new disk-drives from AT
  274. Pearls/disk/Floppy/FmsDisk                         file based trackdisk simulator
  275. Pearls/disk/Floppy/HDFixer                         Fixes bug with HD disks in OS 2.04
  276. Pearls/disk/Floppy/instBBFile                      Install Drives with BootBlock from File
  277. Pearls/disk/Floppy/McCloud                         simple and quick command to hide a floppy disk
  278. Pearls/disk/Floppy/PCFloppy2Amiga                  connect a pc-floppy to an amiga
  279. Pearls/disk/Floppy/SaveBB                          saves bootblocks
  280. Pearls/disk/Floppy/SofTrack                        shows the position of the head
  281. Pearls/disk/Floppy/STOW                            copy files to floppy
  282. Pearls/disk/Floppy/TrackdiskPrefs                  Adjust the various trackdisk.device paramers
  283. Pearls/disk/Misc                                   miscellaneous disk programs
  284. Pearls/disk/Misc/disktype                          determine filesystem used by volumes in system
  285. Pearls/disk/Misc/DUD                               measure directory usage on disk
  286. Pearls/disk/Misc/GNUTar                            read and write tar-archives
  287. Pearls/disk/Misc/HappyENV                          RAM disk handler, useful for ENV:
  288. Pearls/disk/Misc/HDPass                            hard drive password protection
  289. Pearls/disk/Misc/SeSam                             seeks for same files...
  290. Pearls/disk/Misc/Shutdown                          safety reboot and poweroff
  291. Pearls/disk/Optimize                               Programs to optimize disk access
  292. Pearls/disk/Optimize/ReOrg                         Optimizer for disks and harddisks
  293. Pearls/disk/Optimize/ReOrgCzech                    Czech catalog for ReOrg 3.11
  294. Pearls/disk/Optimize/ReOrgFR                       French catalog for ReOrg 3.11
  295. Pearls/disk/Optimize/ReOrgNo                       Norwegian catalog for ReOrg 3.11
  296. Pearls/disk/Optimize/TSO                           Disk optimizer and timer
  297. Pearls/disk/RDB                                    programs to handle RDBs on harddisks
  298. Pearls/disk/RDB/RDB-Salv                           Salvage of lost RDSK/RDB data
  299. Pearls/disk/RDB/ReadRDB                            read and write RDB (backup)
  300. Pearls/disk/Recover                                disk, harddisk and file recovery programs
  301. Pearls/disk/Recover/DiskSalv2                      Wonderful disk salvage program
  302. Pearls/disk/SCSI                                   various tools for Amigas with SCSI hostadapter
  303. Pearls/disk/SCSI/AGMSSetSCSI                       Edit SCSI Mode Page Settings
  304. Pearls/disk/SCSI/HDOff                             Noise saver for A1200&A4000 ide HD`s
  305. Pearls/disk/SCSI/HDSleep                           turns off harddisk-motor
  306. Pearls/disk/SCSI/MSN                               get info from scsi-devices
  307. Pearls/disk/SCSI/QuietSCSI                         makes temorarily unused harddisks quiet
  308. Pearls/disk/SCSI/SCSI-Tester                       test scsi controller/cable/device/etc.
  309. Pearls/disk/SCSI/SCSIdevs                          scans SCSI bus and report found devices
  310. Pearls/disk/SCSI/Scsi_List                         Shows data on SCSI devices
  311. Pearls/disk/SpeedTest                              Programs to test disk speed
  312. Pearls/disk/Zip                                    various tools for Amigas with ZIP-Drive
  313. Pearls/disk/Zip/AmigaZipFAQ                        Frequently asked questions about zip-drive
  314. Pearls/disk/Zip/ZipMount                           A ZIP guide + Mac/IBM Mountlists
  315. Pearls/disk/Zip/ZipTool                            Write protects zip-medium
  316. Pearls/disk/Zip/ZJTools                            Tool for ZIP- and Jaz-Drive
  317. Pearls/dtype                                       various datatypes
  318. Pearls/dtype/Graphic                               Graphic datatypes
  319. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/BMPdt                         Datatype to show pictures in BMP format
  320. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/infoDataType                  Datatype to show WB Icons 
  321. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/jfif_dtc                      Datatype to show pictures in JPEG format
  322. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/JFIF_fix                      fixes a bug in JFIF.datatype
  323. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/PCX                           Datatype to show PCX files
  324. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/PNG_dt                        Datatype to show pictures in PNG format
  325. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/sun.datatype                  Datatype to show SUN raster images
  326. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/Targa.datatype                Datatype to show targa files
  327. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/TIFF43.1                      Datatype to show TIFF files
  328. Pearls/dtype/Graphic/ZGIFDT39_18                   Datatype to show pictures in GIF format
  329. Pearls/dtype/Others                                Other datatypes
  330. Pearls/dtype/Others/binary_dt                      Datatype to show binary files
  331. Pearls/dtype/Others/C_dt                           Datatype to show C sourcecode
  332. Pearls/dtype/Others/DFA_dt                         Datatype for DFA addressfiles
  333. Pearls/dtype/Others/ExeDT                          Datatype for executable files
  334. Pearls/dtype/Others/Font_dt                        Datatype to view AMIGA fonts
  335. Pearls/dtype/Others/HTDS                           modular datatype system
  336. Pearls/dtype/Others/wpg.datatype                   Datatype to show WordPerfect graphic files
  337. Pearls/dtype/Sound                                 Sound datatypes
  338. Pearls/dtype/Sound/AIFF_dt                         Datatype for playing AIFF soundfiles
  339. Pearls/dtype/Sound/HSN_DT                          Datatype for MAXON's HSN samples
  340. Pearls/dtype/Sound/MAUD                            Datatype to play MAUD Soundfiles
  341. Pearls/dtype/Sound/TX16W_Datatype                  Datatype to play sample Files of Yamaha
  342. Pearls/dtype/Sound/VOC                             Datatype for playing VOC files
  343. Pearls/dtype/Sound/WAV                             Datatype for playing WAVE files
  344. Pearls/edu                                         Education programs
  345. Pearls/edu/Astronomie                              Some nice programs, showing you facts about the univers 
  346. Pearls/edu/Astronomie/Ancestors                    Animation from the "Cosmos" television series
  347. Pearls/edu/Astronomie/Planetarium                  A virtual planetarium
  348. Pearls/edu/Astronomie/VWorlds21                    Images of sky from any planet or comet
  349. Pearls/edu/Chemie                                  Some programs, showing you the PSE and the molecular orbitals
  350. Pearls/edu/Chemie/Elements                         A program showing information about the PSE
  351. Pearls/edu/Chemie/MoG                              molecular graphics program
  352. Pearls/edu/Chemie/MoPac5                           molecular orbital package
  353. Pearls/edu/Chemie/PSE_12                           periodic system of elements in Amigaguide format
  354. Pearls/edu/Elektronik                              A little tool, to show you the value of a resistor, using its colors
  355. Pearls/edu/Elektronik/Widerstand                   A little tool, to show you the value of a resistor, using its colors
  356. Pearls/edu/Funk&Fernsehen                          Program to learn how to handel the morse-code
  357. Pearls/edu/Funk&Fernsehen/Morse                    Program to learn how to handel the morse-code
  358. Pearls/edu/Geologie                                Programms to inform you about the earth 
  359. Pearls/edu/Geologie/AmigaWorld515                  An database with much information about every country
  360. Pearls/edu/Geologie/AmiGlobe.0.99                  A geographical atlas for Amiga
  361. Pearls/edu/Mathematik                              Programs to calculate and show mathematical funktions
  362. Pearls/edu/Mathematik/Amatrix                      A matrix calculator for real and complex elements
  363. Pearls/edu/Mathematik/Analay1.12                   math graphing program with integrated page layout
  364. Pearls/edu/Mathematik/Graph2DV3.21                 A function-plotter
  365. Pearls/edu/Mathematik/Laplace                      universal tool for mathematical calculations
  366. Pearls/edu/Mathematik/TimeCalc                     A Time-Calulator
  367. Pearls/edu/Physik                                  This program is a simple simulation of the phenomena of spontaneous magnetization
  368. Pearls/edu/Physik/SpontiMag10                      This program is a simple simulation of the phenomena of spontaneous magnetization
  369. Pearls/edu/Sprachen                                A nice vocabulary-training programm
  370. Pearls/edu/Sprachen/VTrainer_v4.2                  A nice vocabulary-training programm
  371. Pearls/emu                                         Emulators
  372. Pearls/emu/C64                                     C64 emulator
  373. Pearls/emu/Flex                                    6809 Flex DOS emulator
  374. Pearls/emu/HP48                                    A Saturn CPU emulator used to emulate HP 48 calculators
  375. Pearls/etech                                       Programs for electronik
  376. Pearls/etech/A8085                                 emulator/assembler/disassembler for 8085
  377. Pearls/etech/EpicV1.0                              PIC device programmer
  378. Pearls/etech/FIRDesigner                           FIR Filter Designer
  379. Pearls/etech/GALer20                               GAL device programmer
  380. Pearls/etech/LogicSim                              simulate logical circuits
  381. Pearls/etech/Spice                                 analog circuit simulator
  382. Pearls/game                                        Games
  383. Pearls/game/Action                                 Fast action and shoot-em-up games
  384. Pearls/game/Action/Dogfight                        Air combat for 2 players
  385. Pearls/game/Action/GF2                             Gravity shoot-'em-up for 2 players
  386. Pearls/game/Action/HyperDrive                      Fast tunnel race for 1 or 2 players
  387. Pearls/game/Action/Knockout                        knock other cars off circle (up to 8 players!)
  388. Pearls/game/Action/Monsters                        WizardOfWor clone for 1 to 4 players
  389. Pearls/game/Action/NEMAC_4                         3D action game with many features
  390. Pearls/game/Action/Poweroids                       Destroy asteroids (1 to 4 players)
  391. Pearls/game/Action/SSW                             Space war with gravity for 2 players
  392. Pearls/game/Action/StarDefender                    Defender clone
  393. Pearls/game/Action/YAGG                            Gravity shoot-'em-up for 2 to 4 players
  394. Pearls/game/Action/Zaxxon                          Space shooting game for 1 or 2 players
  395. Pearls/game/Action/Zerberk                         Berzerk clone for up to 4 players
  396. Pearls/game/Misc                                   various games
  397. Pearls/game/Misc/Adventure                         very first text adventure from 1977
  398. Pearls/game/Misc/BattleDuel                        ArtilleryDuel clone for 1 or 2 players
  399. Pearls/game/Misc/BOMB                              Dynablaster clone for 2 to 4 players
  400. Pearls/game/Misc/Jaktar                            German dungeon game
  401. Pearls/game/Misc/Kniffel                           dice game (Yahzee)
  402. Pearls/game/Misc/ManiacBall                        Breakout clone for 1 or 2 players
  403. Pearls/game/Misc/MasterBlaster                     Dynablaster clone for 1 to 5 players
  404. Pearls/game/Misc/Poing                             Breakout clone for 1 or 2 players
  405. Pearls/game/Misc/ProTris                           Tetris clone for Workbench
  406. Pearls/game/Misc/RushHour                          Control traffic lights (Traffic clone)
  407. Pearls/game/Misc/Screech                           Car racing game (viewed from top) for 1 or 2 players
  408. Pearls/game/Misc/Sneech                            Worm game for up to 10 (!) players
  409. Pearls/game/Platform                               platform, jump&run and maze games
  410. Pearls/game/Platform/BoulderDäsh                   exact clone of C64 BoulderDash
  411. Pearls/game/Platform/Croak2                        Frogger clone for 1 or 2 players
  412. Pearls/game/Platform/DangerDogg                    jump&run game with many features
  413. Pearls/game/Platform/DiamondCaves                  BoulderDash clone for 1 or 2 players
  414. Pearls/game/Platform/GhostMan                      PacMan clone
  415. Pearls/game/Platform/Jouster                       Fighting game with flying knights
  416. Pearls/game/Platform/JumpEm                        find way across platform (1 player)
  417. Pearls/game/Platform/Ladder                        simple ASCII jump&run game
  418. Pearls/game/Platform/MineRunner                    LodeRunner clone for up to 4 players
  419. Pearls/game/Platform/MPengo                        Pengo clone for 1 or 2 players
  420. Pearls/game/Platform/Overlander                    drive buggy across moon landscape
  421. Pearls/game/Platform/SpaceTaxi                     SpaceTaxi clone for up to 4 players
  422. Pearls/game/Think                                  Mind games, simulations and skill games
  423. Pearls/game/Think/Abacus                           One or two player board game
  424. Pearls/game/Think/AntiMatter                       find hidden atoms (1 player)
  425. Pearls/game/Think/Ballunacy                        guide ball through maze (1 player)
  426. Pearls/game/Think/Bomber                           MineSweeper clone (1 player)
  427. Pearls/game/Think/Breed96                          Space colonisation game for 1 player
  428. Pearls/game/Think/CrazyBalls                       German think game (1 player)
  429. Pearls/game/Think/FBusiness                        German Football manager simulation (1 player)
  430. Pearls/game/Think/Hexagons                         Tetris like game with hexagonal blocks (1 player)
  431. Pearls/game/Think/HexaMine                         MineSweeper like game with hexagonal cells (1 player)
  432. Pearls/game/Think/Marbles                          guide marble to exit across platform (1 player)
  433. Pearls/game/Think/ReflexFinal                      Fast mathematical game (1 player)
  434. Pearls/game/Think/Risk                             like the board game Risk (1 to 5 players)
  435. Pearls/game/Think/Shepherd                         Populous like simulation (1 player)
  436. Pearls/game/Think/Sneer                            collect balls without using the same path twice (1 player)
  437. Pearls/game/Think/ThinkAMania                      find matching cards (1 or 2 players)
  438. Pearls/game/Think/TouchAMania                      replay sequence of colors/sounds (1 player)
  439. Pearls/gfx                                         Graphics software
  440. Pearls/gfx/Converter                               Converter for various image formats
  441. Pearls/gfx/Converter/Grimm                         Image processor and converter
  442. Pearls/gfx/Converter/NetPBM                        Powerful image processing and conversion package
  443. Pearls/gfx/Misc                                    various graphics software
  444. Pearls/gfx/Misc/AmiFIG                             vector drawing program
  445. Pearls/gfx/Misc/AmiWin                             Server for the X11R6 window system
  446. Pearls/gfx/Misc/CyberGrab                          screen and window grabber for CyberGraphX
  447. Pearls/gfx/Misc/GfxLab24                           Image processing program
  448. Pearls/gfx/Misc/PhotoAlbum                         picture management
  449. Pearls/gfx/Misc/PicView                            thumbnail generator
  450. Pearls/gfx/PostScript                              tools for PostScript files
  451. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/Examples                     Example PostScript files
  452. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/Fonts                        PostScript fonts
  453. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/GhostScript                  PostScript and PDF interpreter
  454. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/HWGPOST                      PostScript level 2 interpreter
  455. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/PostView                     PostScript viewer
  456. Pearls/gfx/PostScript/PSUtils                      various utilities for PostScript files
  457. Pearls/gfx/Viewer                                  image and animation viewers
  458. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/aMiPEG                           Viewer for MPEG animations
  459. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/CyberAnim                        CyberGraphX IFF/ANIM player
  460. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/CyberAVI                         player for AVI animations
  461. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/CyberShow                        universal picture viewer
  462. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/CyberView                        universal image viewer for CyberGraphX
  463. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/CyberWindow                      universal image viewer (in a window) for CyberGraphX 
  464. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/JIV                              universal picture viewer
  465. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/QT                               QuickTime movie player
  466. Pearls/gfx/Viewer/Visage                           multi-format picture viewer
  467. Pearls/ham                                         amateur radio programs and tools
  468. Pearls/ham/7Plus                                   binary/ascii codec with error correction
  469. Pearls/ham/7Plus/Amiga                             binary/ascii codec with error correction
  470. Pearls/ham/7Plus/UNIX                              binary/ascii codec with error correction
  471. Pearls/ham/AX.25                                   Programs for amateur packet radio operation
  472. Pearls/ham/AX.25/AmiCom                            AX.25 Packet Radio Program
  473. Pearls/ham/AX.25/TNT                               AX.25 Packet Radio Program for UNIX
  474. Pearls/icon                                        Icons & Co
  475. Pearls/icon/Backdrop                               Backdrops for Workbench
  476. Pearls/icon/Backdrop/LjaDropsIIhi                  Fractal WB Backdrop Tiles
  477. Pearls/icon/Backdrop/USELESS patterns              Backgrounds for Workbench
  478. Pearls/icon/Backdrop/YWeb                          Backgrounds for Web-Pages
  479. Pearls/icon/Collection                             Icon collection
  480. Pearls/icon/Collection/MUI-MWB-Icons               Icon Set in mixed MUI/MWB/NewIcons Style
  481. Pearls/icon/Collection/PetersIcons                 Additional MWB Icons
  482. Pearls/icon/Collection/SAMWB                       Additional MWB Icons by Sanny-Arts
  483. Pearls/icon/Edit                                   Tools for Icon creation and editing.
  484. Pearls/icon/Edit/Iconian                           comfortable icon-editor
  485. Pearls/icon/NewIcons                               NewIcon System and Collections
  486. Pearls/icon/NewIcons/JSNuIcons                     NewIcon collection
  487. Pearls/icon/NewIcons/MiIconZ                       NewIcon collection
  488. Pearls/icon/NewIcons/NewIconsV3                    NewIcon System
  489. Pearls/icon/NewIcons/ProWB                         NewIcon-Style Icon Collection
  490. Pearls/icon/Patch                                  Patches for workbench enhancement.
  491. Pearls/icon/Patch/IconChief                        Replace Default-Icons owing to Filetypes.
  492. Pearls/icon/Patch/SmartIcons                       Make WB use Standard-Icons
  493. Pearls/icon/Tool                                   Tools for Icon manipulation.
  494. Pearls/icon/Tool/DoIcon                            Icon information and manipulation tool
  495. Pearls/icon/Tool/IconAlign                         Tool for proper aligning icons.
  496. Pearls/icon/Tool/IconCopier                        Quick Icon item copier
  497. Pearls/icon/Tool/IconTools-2.01                    Icon optimization, resource and composite tools
  498. Pearls/icon/Tool/MuiReIcon                         Icon information and manipulation tool
  499. Pearls/icon/Tool/PeelNewTools                      Removes NewIcon-Images from Icons.
  500. Pearls/icon/Tool/PicRnd                            Random Background Patterns for WB
  501. Pearls/imdb                                        Internet Movie Database
  502. Pearls/libs                                        PD-Libraries
  503. Pearls/libs/Asl                                    configurable asl.library replacement
  504. Pearls/libs/BGUI                                   Object oriented GUI system
  505. Pearls/libs/Boards                                 Library to identify expansion boards
  506. Pearls/libs/CDPlay                                 Library to access SCSI-CD-ROM-(Audio-)Functions easily
  507. Pearls/libs/DOSPath                                DOS path list library
  508. Pearls/libs/Identify                               Identify expansion boards, guru numbers and system config!
  509. Pearls/libs/LibGuide                               Amiga shared libraries guide
  510. Pearls/libs/MCC_Busy                               MUI public custom class
  511. Pearls/libs/MCC_Icon                               MUI public custom Icon class
  512. Pearls/libs/MCC_Mailtext                           MUI public custom class
  513. Pearls/libs/MCC_MonthNavigator                     MUI public custom class
  514. Pearls/libs/MCC_Tron                               MUI public custom class
  515. Pearls/libs/MemManager                             Virtual mem menager library (no MMU needed)
  516. Pearls/libs/MUI                                    Object oriented GUI system
  517. Pearls/libs/Patch                                  high level handling of SetFunction()
  518. Pearls/libs/Pattern                                library for pattern matching and grep tool
  519. Pearls/libs/ReqTools                               Requester library
  520. Pearls/libs/ScreenNotify                           Screen notify library
  521. Pearls/libs/StormWizard                            GUI library and editor
  522. Pearls/libs/WBStart                                Programm launcher library
  523. Pearls/libs/Xfd                                    Decrunch library for almost every packed file format
  524. Pearls/libs/Xpk                                    Modular packer software
  525. Pearls/libs/XpkPacker                              Packer libraries for XPK
  526. Pearls/midi                                        midi programs and data
  527. Pearls/midi/Editors                                Synthesizer patch editors
  528. Pearls/midi/Editors/Apache                         Generic Editor for MIDI Devices
  529. Pearls/midi/Editors/DXEditor                       Voice editor for Yamaha DX7 II-(F)D
  530. Pearls/midi/Editors/k4editor                       Demo of a Voice Editor for the KAWAI K4
  531. Pearls/midi/Editors/QED                            Editor for Quasimidi Quasar Synthesizer
  532. Pearls/midi/misc                                   other useful MIDI stuff
  533. Pearls/midi/misc/M2Midi                            Modula2-interface for Bill Barton's midi.library
  534. Pearls/midi/misc/Midi2TeX                          Convert type 1 MIDI files to MusicTeX source
  535. Pearls/midi/misc/MidiLib                           Resource sharing library for MIDI in/out.
  536. Pearls/midi/misc/Mod2Midi                          MOD to midi file converter
  537. Pearls/midi/Player                                 MIDI file players
  538. Pearls/midi/Player/GMPlay                          Plays GM-MIDI-files via Amiga Audio
  539. Pearls/midi/Player/MidiPlay                        Midi file player
  540. Pearls/midi/Sequencers                             MIDI sequencers
  541. Pearls/midi/Sequencers/B+P_Demo_2.5                Demo of the MIDI sequencer Bars & Pipes Pro 2.5
  542. Pearls/midi/Sequencers/Camouflage                  Demo of the Camouflage Sequencer
  543. Pearls/midi/Sequencers/Dominator                   MIDI Sequencer
  544. Pearls/midi/Sounds_And_Songs                       Synthsizer patches and MIDI files
  545. Pearls/midi/Sounds_And_Songs/Classical             MIDI files of some classical pieces
  546. Pearls/midi/Sounds_And_Songs/DX7-Sounds            Voices for all Yamaha DX7 synthesizers
  547. Pearls/midi/Tools                                  various midi tools
  548. Pearls/midi/Tools/AccMidiMon                       Monitor note activity on all 16 MIDI-in channels
  549. Pearls/midi/Tools/MidiDiag                         Analysis program for incoming midi data
  550. Pearls/midi/Tools/MidiKeyboard                     Send MIDI note events with mouse or keybord
  551. Pearls/midi/Tools/MidiTools                        Various tools and editors for midi
  552. Pearls/midi/Tools/midiwatcher                      Gag program to start programs with MIDI keyboard.
  553. Pearls/midi/Tools/MIDI_Playground                  General purpose MIDI analysing toolkit.
  554. Pearls/midi/Tools/MPM                              Demo of a MIDI setup control program
  555. Pearls/midi/Tools/MPMaster                         Tool for managing MIDI Sample Dumps
  556. Pearls/midi/Tools/OberSuite-1.03                   Patch Librarian for Oberheim Matrix12/XPander
  557. Pearls/mods                                        Music Modules
  558. Pearls/mods/Funky&Jazz&Blues                       Funk, Jazz and Blues music
  559. Pearls/mods/Funny                                  Funny music
  560. Pearls/mods/Misc                                   Miscellaneous style music
  561. Pearls/mods/Pop                                    Popular music
  562. Pearls/mods/Relax                                  Relaxation music
  563. Pearls/mods/Rock                                   Rock music
  564. Pearls/mods/Synth&Atmos&Themes                     Athmospherical music
  565. Pearls/mods/Techno                                 Techno music
  566. Pearls/mods/Techno/Dance                           Dance Modules
  567. Pearls/mods/Techno/Jungle                          Jungle Modules
  568. Pearls/mods/Techno/Tekkno                          Tekkno Modules
  569. Pearls/mods/Techno/Trance                          Trance Modules
  570. Pearls/mus                                         Music programs, ie. sample editors, module players etc.
  571. Pearls/mus/AudioLab16R2Jr                          16bit non-linear editing/DSP system
  572. Pearls/mus/Beatific10                              BPM measure tool
  573. Pearls/mus/Bubbly                                  BubbleBobble player for DeliTracker
  574. Pearls/mus/DeliTracker_II                          Module player, ready to install
  575. Pearls/mus/DiskChanger                             Genie for Delitracker, handles a database of your modules, source included
  576. Pearls/mus/EarTrainerV2                            Program to train the relative hearing, supports MIDI
  577. Pearls/mus/gfft-2.03                               Very powerful spectrum analysis program, including introduction to FFT, source and GnuPlot
  578. Pearls/mus/MPEGAPlayer                             MPEG-player for Delitracker, supports layers I&II
  579. Pearls/mus/Play16_1.6                              Sampleplayer, supports many formats and MaestroPro
  580. Pearls/mus/Spectrogram                             Spectrogram analyzer
  581. Pearls/rfc                                         RFC Archive
  582. Pearls/texmf                                       complete PasTeX distribution
  583. Pearls/text                                        Texts, FAQs, lists, etc.
  584. Pearls/text/FAQ                                    Frequently Asked Questions
  585. Pearls/text/FDB-Data                               FDB databases of Amiga CD-ROMs
  586. Pearls/text/gadget                                 AmigaGadget german disc magazin
  587. Pearls/text/Hard&Soft                              Hardware and software hints
  588. Pearls/util                                        Utilities not covered by other dirs
  589. Pearls/util/dir                                    directory browser
  590. Pearls/util/dir/Filer                              Directory management utility with many useful  functions
  591. Pearls/util/dir/RO                                 Directory browser using MUI
  592. Pearls/util/misc                                   various useful programs
  593. Pearls/util/misc/CyberCron                         fine cron program
  594. Pearls/util/misc/Fa_Base                           Invoices and articles
  595. Pearls/util/misc/Fiasco                            Database program with many features
  596. Pearls/util/misc/GrabIFF                           working tool to snapshot screens, windows and mousepointers
  597. Pearls/util/misc/Installer43_3                     AmigaOS standard installer program
  598. Pearls/util/misc/SM                                program for management of public screens
  599. Pearls/util/misc/SysPic                            Bootpicture program
  600. Pearls/util/misc/TolleUhr                          great clock
  601. Pearls/util/misc/Yak_2.12                          Multipurposecommodity
  602. Pearls/util/misc/ZShell                            Small and easy-to-use Shell with FNC and review
  603. Pearls/util/pipe                                   all you need for Un*x-like pipes
  604. Pearls/util/pipe/HWGQueue                          L:Queue-Handler replacement
  605. Pearls/util/pipe/Pipe                              pipe command for the system shell
  606. Pearls/util/pipe/StdIO-Handler                     STDIO: devicehandler
  607. Pearls/util/textshow                               text viewers
  608. Pearls/util/textshow/Leggi                         Textreader with ARexx-port and multiple windows
  609. Pearls/util/textshow/Most                          Textreader with ARexxport and multiple windows
  610. Pearls/util/virus                                  virus checkers
  611. Pearls/util/virus/VirusWorkshop                    viruschecker extended version
  612. Pearls/util/virus/VirusZ                           viruschecker
  613. Pearls/util/win95                                  some patches and programs to give WB Win95-like look
  614. Pearls/util/win95/Workbench95                      Workbenchpatch for different gadget images